970-302-6877 [email protected]

About A Master's Touch

A Master’s Touch is an automotive reconditioning business. We bring used car inventories to a pristine sales-worthy status by repairing and detailing seats, panels and overall interiors of the vehicles. We provide essential services to our clients and these services will add significant value to the vehicle and will decrease the time required to sell the vehicle. We use a proprietary repair process that provides unsurpassed quality to the vehicles we repair.

Meet the Owner

John MarkelI am excited to introduce myself to you as the owner and founder of A Master’s Touch. My name is John B. Markel and I founded this company in September 2001 after experiencing the difficulty of working in the construction industry and being held hostage to the extreme highs and lows of the business. I have lived in northern Colorado and have been self-employed for most of my working life.   When I was working in the construction industry during 2000, it was in another “low” and I needed to find something that would allow me to earn a good income and let me work at my own schedule. At that time, I was a single dad and it was extremely important to me to be available to spend free time with my son.

I have always enjoyed and been good at working with my hands. It was important for me to be able to put my personal mark on my work and be able to leave things I worked on in better condition than when I found them. Like so many people, after 911, I decided to re-prioritize my life. The first step was to find a career that would let me utilize those skills to construct and improve things, as well as provide the independence of being self-employed. That opportunity presented itself in September of 2001, just after 911 stunned the country and so many people were re-examining their lives.

I was introduced to this business by a gentleman who was generous enough to share his knowledge with me. He offered to show me the techniques and skills that he had brought to the business and so I began to train with him. During the first year, I was able to devote only a few hours a week to the training.  Over the next 16 years, I learned and refined many aspects of the business and have created the successful company that I enjoy owning and running today.

It is my belief that I possess unique insights and knowledge that have not been applied by any others in the industry, and I believe this is what has afforded me the success I experience today.

If you are wondering why I would offer to share the “secrets of my trade” and help others build a business for themselves, all I can say is that I am 62 years old and I believe in the concept of giving back. I was given a rare opportunity to enter this business by my mentor and I want to pass that along to others that exhibit the excitement and desire necessary to build and succeed in this business. I hope and plan to continue this work for many years to come, assuming my health allows, because I enjoy the work and I truly am excited to share my knowledge and expertise with others. I have decided that now is the time for me to pass it on.

Contact Us

Schedule a Repair

We provide top-of-the-line repair of most trucks, cars, vans, utility vehicles and aircraft.

Contact Us

Be a Licensee

Would you like to own your business? Be in control of the hours you work? Learn a trade that will support your lifestyle?

If so, then we have a fantastic opportunity for you!

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